Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the making of the riveting rooftop fight scene from the “Jason Bourne Tribute” short film. Experience the adrenaline-pumping action as parkour runner Amadei takes on the role of the protagonist, defying gravity and skillfully evading multiple attackers in true Bourne style.

This behind-the-scenes video provides a unique insight into the meticulous planning, coordination, and teamwork required to bring the thrilling rooftop fight scene to life. Cinematographer Jan Gessler skillfully captures the breathtaking stunts, intense gunplay, and fluid parkour movements, highlighting the sheer dedication and talent of everyone involved in the production.

Witness the seamless collaboration between the director, stunt coordinators, and the talented Amadei as they work together to create an unforgettable action sequence set against the stunning backdrop of Berlin’s Neukölln district.

Join us as we take you on a fascinating journey behind the camera, unveiling the hard work, passion, and creativity that went into crafting the exhilarating rooftop fight scene in the “Jason Bourne Tribute” short film.